The Cat From Hell by Arthur Leo Zagat is a spine-chilling horror story that will leave you with a lingering sense of dread. When a seemingly ordinary black cat enters the lives of a quiet, unsuspecting household, a series of inexplicable and terrifying events unfold. This feline, with its piercing eyes and eerie presence, is more than just a pet—it's a harbinger of doom. As the sinister truth about the cat's origins comes to light, the household must confront an ancient curse that threatens to unleash unspeakable horrors. Can they break free from the grip of this malevolent creature, or will they succumb to the terror that follows in its wake? Enter if you dare, but beware—this cat has nine lives, and each one brings death closer.
Death's Wedding March : Doc. Turner Series
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bookHouse of Living Death : Terror Tales
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bookSeven Out of Time
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bookSea Sleuth : Doc. Turner Series
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bookThe Death-Cloud : Wonder Stories
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bookCorpses Pay Dividends : Doc. Turner Series
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bookMurder Percentage : Doc. Turner Series
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bookPolitical Plunder Pay-Off : Doc. Turner Series
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bookThe Lanson Screen : Thrilling Wonder Stories
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bookThe Emperor of the Stars : Wonder Stories
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Goes to a Picnic : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Kidnap Cure : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
Doc. Turner's Death Antidote : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeadlock : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookCorpses on Account : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDeath Set-Up in Yellow : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookThe Witness From Hell : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookGraves Filled to Order : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookMurder Marches By : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookTorture on Morris Street : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Subway Suicide : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner Meets the Angel of Death : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Murder Mask : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat
bookDoc. Turner's Inquisition : Doc. Turner Series
Arthur Leo Zagat