In the 'Mill on the Floss' the persons on whom the chief interest is supposed to depend are Tom and Maggie Tulliver, the children of a rough, honest, hot-tempered, obstinate, litigious miller. Old Tulliver is ruined by a lawsuit about "erigation," and has a stroke of paralysis, from which he recovers so far as to carry on the management of the mill under the new owner, Wakem, a lawyer whom he regards as the cause of his misfortunes. But, although determined to serve Wakem faithfully, he makes a solemn resolution of vengeance against him and his, and causes Tom to record it in the family Bible. Tom suits himself to the change of circumstances, and, by means of his aunt's husband, Mr. Deane, who is a partner in the firm, he finds employment under Guest and Company, the principal merchants in the neighbouring town of St. Ogg's. After a few years, by means of Tom's earnings and his father's savings, the Tulliver creditors are paid in full; but the old miller, in returning triumphant from a dinner given on the occasion, falls in with his master and enemy Wakem, quarrels with him, horsewhips him, and dies of the excitement and exertion...
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