
Transcendental Journeys : A Visionary Quest for Freedom


This nonfictional story is a world traveler's testimony that spans over three decades. The book begins with the chilling escape of the author who freed himself from the oppressive communist regime of East Germany before the Berlin Wall fell. Driven by a burning desire for freedom, Omananda aka Torsten E. Klimmer risked his life and left behind friends and family not knowing that an open secret lies dormant within everyone's heart that, once uncovered, could lead to liberation. A mystical near-death experience in Sumatra kick starts the spiritual journey of the author who describes the process of conscious awakening in his visionary writings. Discoveries in exotic places and shamanic dimensions unravel a cosmic adventure that offers an exciting view into non-ordinary states of consciousness.

This artful and entertaining multimedia book encourages readers to free themselves from the restrictive and self-destructive programs that keep many of us trapped in fear. Individuals struggling with dependencies and addiction issues can find great value in this book.


Narrator: Torsten Klimmer
