
The Sale a Lifetime

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After the Roaring '20s came the Great Depression. After the Roaring 2000s came the Great Recession.

We're now entering the winter season of the 80-Year Four Season Economic Cycle. It's during this season that we'll clear the decks with a devastating crash and debilitating deflation. The economy and markets will shed the excesses created during the preceding fall bubble boom season and prepare the soil for new blossoming in innovation and a spring boom.

After the blustering bull market of 2009-2015, we are now preparing for a shakeout more painful than anything we've seen before. We have eight years of unprecedented government stimulus and money creation to thank for stretching this bubble beyond imagination and making the burst more painful than anything we've ever experienced.

There's no better guide to financial cycles than Harry S. Dent Jr., the bestselling author of The Demographic Cliff and many other books, and the editor of the Boom & Bust newsletter. For more than 30 years h

Narration : Sean Pratt

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