
Swedish German Italian English Parallel Bible


This eBible has 247,761 references. It is ~8×times the Bible in size and 9604 pages in total. Use it on as many personal devices as you like. It was released 28-02-2017. This swe1917-gerlut-itriv-kjb Parallel eBible contains Svensk Bibel (1917) och Lutherbibel (1912) och Riveduta Bibbia (1924) och King James Bible (1611, Pure Cambridge, Authorized Version). In addition, it also includes a standalone print of each Bible in a Text-To-Speech and reader friendly format. The navigation is similar to the first format. The most significant change is that we have dropped verse numbering and verse index at the start of a chapter. This is a swe1917-gerlut-itriv-kjb Parallel version of The Bible and each verse is printed in the swe1917-gerlut-itriv-kjb order. The first format is navigation friendly.

The navigation in the first format:

The Old and New Testament has an index of its books

The Old Testament has a reference to the New Testament

The New Testament has a reference to the Old Testament

Each book has a reference to The Testament it belongs to

Each book has a reference to the previous and or next book

Each book has an index of its chapters

Each chapter has a reference to the book it belongs to

Each chapter reference the previous and or next chapter

Each chapter has an index of its verses

Each verse is numbered and reference the chapter it belongs to

Each verse starts on a new line for better readability

Any reference in an index brings you to the location

The Menu reference all the Testaments and books

The second format is reading friendly and also works great on devices with Text-To-Speech. Or you may prefer reading. The navigation is similar to the first format. The most significant change is that we have dropped verse numbering and verse index at the beginning.

This eBible contains The Hebrew and The Greek Strongs Concordance. Every Hebrew and Greek word in the Bible text is linked with the Strongs Concordance at the back of the book. references.

In every Hebrew word we also show every Hebrew letter and its meaning. In addition to this we aso calculate the gematria of each Hebrew word. Included in the Greek or Hebrew word are Bible references back to the text where these words are used.

This Svensk Bibel (1917) eBible has a total of 247,761

We have worked hard to make sure the Strongs Concordance is a solid tool to use in this type of format, both in usage and in navigation.

The Bible translation used is in the Public Domain, but this ebook is a unique release in the way we combine one or more Bibles in a Dual or Parallell version.

All Glory to God for His Word of Truth!