
25 Low-Sugar Meals for the Oven - part 2 : Cooking classic recipes the sugar-reduced way - measurements in grams


1 Oven + 25 Recipes = Sugar-reduced Pleasure

100% pure recipes - 0% nonsense:

Whether roasted vegetables with polenta, chicken wrapped in bacon, sea bass fillets with lemon and capers or a salad with grilled prosciutto - with the oven and the matching dishes, you are perfectly equipped for every occasion!

And that's not all:

Try out numerous, original recipe ideas. Conjure up delicious, sugar-reduced main courses and small dishes for your guests in your oven.

- How about a green bean casserole?

- Fancy some caramelised omelette rolls?

- Would you like a vegan cheese macaroni?

- Order now and take advantage of the versatility of the oven!

25 ideas for the oven, interpreted in a low-sugar way - get it now!

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  10. 25 Low-Sugar Meals for the Oven - part 2 : Cooking classic recipes the sugar-reduced way - measurements in grams

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  11. 50 Low-Sugar Meals for the Oven : Cooking classic recipes the sugar-reduced way - measurements in grams

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  12. 25 Low-Sugar Meals for the Oven - part 1 : Cooking classic recipes the sugar reduced way - measurements in grams

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