Joy Randall's Top 5 Tips for Vampire Hunters:
Location, location, location. Vampires won't be caught dead (ha!) in places like discos, ten-minute lube shops, or Switzerland. Remember, if you wouldn't be there, neither would a bloodsucker. Trust your eyes. You know the handsome, annoyingly arrogant, self-assured man in the shadows with long hair and a cleft in his chin? He's your vampire. No matter how tempting it might be, do not "accidentally" acquire a paper cut on your finger and suggest your vampire kiss it to make it better. Play it cool. Don't offer to accompany your prince of the night on the talk-show circuit, and whatever you do, don't offer him your heart! Most of all, remember: being a vampire is nothing to laugh about.
Mal eine wirklich ungewöhnliche Vampirstory. Aber obwohl sie eine meiner Lieblingsautorinnen ist, war das Buch irgendwie zu verwirrend. Besonders weil man bis zum Schluss nicht sicher wusste welcher Kerl das Rennen macht. Außerdem war sie gegen Ende wirklich nervig und unklug. Christian war meiner Meinung nach zu gut für sie. (Ich kannte ihn schon aus anderen Büchern)
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