This volume explores the renewal of Asian migration to Europe that began in the late 18th century while still in the frame of the colonial regime. It counters the construction of an »unchanging East« versus a »dynamic West« developed in the 19th century; of static, rooted populations versus adventurous young men seeking opportunities afar (the producers of this cliché overlooked migrating women). These essays provide analyses of some of the migrants from the different societies of Asia in Europe. They focus on migrants from East and South Asia and explore their different experiences in Europe from the 18th century to the present.
From Slovenia to Egypt : Aleksandrinke's Trans-Mediterranean Domestic Workers' Migration and National Imagination
bookAsian Migrants in Europe : Transcultural Connections
bookSchwarze Europäer im Alten Reich : Handel, Migration, Hof
Anne Kuhlmann-Smirnov
bookAngeworben : GastarbeiterInnen in Österreich in den 1960er und 1970er Jahren
Verena Lorber
bookForging a New Heimat : Expellees in Post-War West Germany and Canada
Pascal Maeder
bookFrauenhandel. Diskurse und Praktiken : . E-BOOK
bookAneignung und Selbstbehauptung : Zum Prozess der Integration und Akkulturation von »GastarbeiterInnen« in Bremen. E-BOOK
Anne E. Dünzelmann
bookwir sind halt alle anders : Eine gesellschaftspolitische Analyse deutscher und kanadischer Jugendlicher zu Zugehörigkeit, Gender und Vielkulturalität. E-BOOK
Irina Schmitt
bookFinding the Way Home : Young People's Stories of Gender, Ethnicity, Class, and Places in Hamburg and London. E-BOOK