
Emotional Intelligence : Improve your Emotional Agility and Discover Why it can Matter More Than IQ


Do you want to become emotionally intelligent? Do want to learn fast? If you said yes, this is for you!

EQ is the next big thing. Being emotionally intelligent is a skill that provides a great advantage in life. By always knowing what you and the people around you are feeling, you can act accordingly to make sure you experience positive states.

Regardless if you are looking to hijack your career or if you want to develop amazing relationships, being emotionally intelligent is the key.

You’ll become a much better decision maker and especially a great communicator. Not to mention the peaceful state you’ll experience on a daily basis.

In this audiobook, you will:

Learn about emotions Why Self-awarness and regulation is fundamental Become self aware Learn to regulate your emotions Become Emotionally Available Learn how to radiate confidence Become a better decision maker Develop healthy relationships You are reading this right now because a part of you deep down is telling you to become more emotionally intelligent.

Take your first step in becoming Emotionally Intelligent by acting on that instinct. Scroll up and buy this audiobook now!

Narrator: Melissa Dionne