If you're empathic or highly sensitive, it's almost second nature to put others needs before yourself or take on the problems of the world. But what about your happiness? Energy Healing for Empaths offers everything you need to heal your energy and maintain healthy boundaries with others-so you can be happy, healthy, and in control of you.
You Have The Right To Remain Silent
Jacqui Irvine-Creaser
audiobookEmpath and Narcissist
Brian Rackam
bookThe Power of You : How to Live Your Authentic, Exciting, Joy-Filled Life Now!
Chris Michaels
audiobookADHD : A Hunter in a Farmer's World
Thom Hartmann
bookTraumjob statt Maloche
Peggy Schröder
bookBoundaries and Relationships
Charles L. Whitfield
audiobookYoga der Liebe : Die glückliche Beziehung. Tantra. Herzübungen. Heilung. Selbstliebe. Erleuchtung.
Nils Horn
bookVom Angsthasen zum Abenteurer : Die Kunst, zu einem von Ängsten befreiten Leben zu finden
Nima Ashoff
audiobookDie Kraft des Vergebens : Wie wir Kränkungen überwinden und neu lebendig werden
Melanie Wolfers
bookSuperLife : The 5 Simple Fixes That Will Make You Healthy, Fit, and Eternally Awesome
Darin Olien
audiobookHow to Get Shit Done : Wie wir Frauen lernen, weniger zu tun, um mehr zu erreichen
Erin Falconer
bookDie Kraft der Selbstvergebung : Wie wir uns bedingungslos lieben lernen
Hina Fruh