


From the Author of the New York Times bestseller Hippie Boy: A Girl's Story

At the age of 37, Ingrid Ricks learned she suffered from Retinitis Pigmentosa, an incurable eye disease that was stealing her eyesight and would eventually leave her completely blind. Gripped with the terrifying fear that she would miss out on her daughter’s lives, become a burden to her husband, and lose the career and independence that defines her, Ingrid embarks on a quest to fix her eyesight that ends up fixing her life.

Through an eight-year journey marked by a trip to South Africa to write about AIDS orphans, a four-day visit with a doctor who focuses on whole-body health, a relationship-changing confrontation with her husband and a life-changing lesson from her daughters, Ingrid learns to embrace the moment and see what counts — something no amount of vision loss can ever take away from her.

Narrator: Robyn Maryke
