
Game On!: A Coach's Game Plan For Discipleship


Life has been described as a game, but the stakes are much higher -- it's a matter of life and death! Christ followers compete against an adversary who not only wants to defeat them but to eternally destroy them. To win the game of life, we need an offensive strategy that will overpower, outsmart, and outlast our opposition. Coaching is the catalyst we use to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, conquer any rival, and propel us into the winner's circle.

In Game On! A Coach's Game Plan For Discipleship, you will discover how to apply proven concepts that serve as a foundation for increasing your spiritual strength, while becoming a team leader who can help others elevate their game. Coaches transform and coaches transport. Coaches change the culture of a team by transforming individuals, and they conduct themselves in ways that inspire others to follow. Sports enthusiast or not, learn to lead others upward and onward to a path of victory. Get a game plan for discipleship and begin winning every contest.

Narrator: Jay Mills