
Graham Hancock Decoded


Graham Hancock Decoded

Visionary author and journalist

Learn about themes like:

Human potential

Set your conscience free

How to continue the human consciousness evolution

Ancient civilizations

You will also learn the following:

How ancient civilizations and shamanism could solve our current problems.

Understanding psychedelics, evolution and the human consciousness.

Discover old ways to heal ourselves, the planet and our future.

You will discover his answers to all of these questions:


What prompted the evolution of human consciousness?

Why psychedelics shouldn’t be recreational?

How can ayahuasca heal substance addictions?

Why is ayahuasca so incredibly powerful?

Society and culture

Why does society shut down human potential?

What did ancient egyptians think about death?

Why does society value the wrong drugs?

Why society’s current model isn’t working?

Why should we fight for the right of adult sovereignty over consciousness?

Can the earth change radically?

Why the orthodox view of ancient civilizations may be wrong?

Can biblical myths have some real foundation in past events?

Why should we seek to learn from ancient civilizations?

Why do some ancient mysteries remain unexplained?


Is there really no life after death?

How to heal the consciousness of the world?

So, get started right now.

Decode Graham Hancock and level up!