
Grateful Living Feeling Joy in the moment Course Coaching session, healing meditations & hypnosis session : conscious awareness, everyday growth joy, living in the now, thankfulness true happiness


It is easy for us to catch up on the past or in the future. We often forgot to take time to appreciate the wondering things happening in our daily lives. When your thoughts are constantly in the past or future, you feel more anxious, fearful, or restless. When you appreciate and live in the moment, you give yourself room to receive joy love, and abundance.

In this course, we will be your personal coach. We use coaching sessions, and healing meditations to help you be more grateful and stay in the present moment. We let go of any toxic thoughts in your mind through our therapeutic coaching session. We deeply forgive the past and give room for our wonderful future. We take our time to stay in the present moment and be grateful for what we have

In this course, we will

Let go of toxic thought Be your personal coach Bring you back from the past to the present moment Let go of anxiousness Deeply forgive yourself & others Letting go Anchor your frequencies into gratefulness Simply live in the moment And much more

Narrator: Chantalia