
If You Build It Will They Come?


An astounding 70% of new products fail--a number that has remained stubbornly high for the last thirty years. Why all this failure? Did complicated technologies simply not work? Did financial backers not fork over enough cash? Was the quality bad? No to all of the above. These products failed because they missed hitting a viable market. If You Build it Will They Come? a new book by seasoned CEO and investor turned professor, Rob Adams, explains exactly how this failure can be averted. By applying the simple, proven Market Testing strategy outlined in If You Build it Will They Come?, entrepreneurs and managers can dramatically improve their success rate for finding new markets and launching new products. MARKET TESTING DOES NOT HAVE TO BE EXPENSIVE AND TIME-CONSUMING: Book describes a simple, step-by-step guide to systematically uncovering the market for any product including: How to personally interview at least 100 people in the target audience; how to det

Narrator: Nick Tecosky