1. Discovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts : Including: The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone, Hymn to the Nile, The Laments of Isis and Nephthys, The Egyptian Book of Herodotus

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Johns, E. A. Budge

  2. Egyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology

    Gaston Maspero

  3. Discovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns

  4. Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns

  5. Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Johns

  6. Discovery of Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Texts : Unraveling Egypt's Enigmatic Past: Scholarly Insights & Ancient Manuscripts

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns

  7. Egyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology

    Gaston Maspero

  8. Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Ancient Sources : The Book of the Dead, The Magic Book, Stories and Poems of Ancient Egypt, The Rosetta Stone…

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns

  9. Ancient Egypt: History, Archaeology & Original Texts

    Arthur Gilman, George Rawlinson, E. A. Wallis Budge, Gaston Maspero, Agnes Sophia Griffith Johns

  10. Egyptian Archaeology : Illustrated Guide to the Study of Egyptology

    Gaston Maspero

  11. Manual of egyptian Archeology and Antiquities

    Gaston Maspero

  12. Egypt: Ancient Sites and Modern Scenes

    Gaston Maspero
