
Meditation For Beginners - How To Create A Mindfulness Habit In 21 Days : Guided Meditation For A 21 Day Transformation - Create The Habit Of Mindful Meditation, Stress Management, Relaxation And More Focus Now!


Meditation For Beginners - How To Create A Mindfulness Habit In 21 Days Guided Meditation For A 21 Day Personal Transformation - Create The Habit Of Mindful Meditation, Stress Management, Relaxation And More Focus Now! ⚠ This Course Also Might Help You To Reduce Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks!

.. you are interested in the topic of how to meditate for mindfulness, stress management & relaxation, you are looking for an easy guideline that is giving you a hands-on solution as a beginner in meditation? .. you want to meditate, but you struggle with the creation of a new habit? .. you want to reap the benefits of mindfulness, but you have a hard time incorporating new routines into your life? >> If that is the case, then I am convinced that this audiobook is the right one for you!

I'm Kevin Kockot (M.A. Prevention and Health Promotion), I teach over 90.000 students on Udemy!

I am giving seminars on the topic of relaxation and stress management regularly. I am convinced that meditation can help you to live a healthy and happy life!

Meditation can also be a way to relax, but it is much more it contributes to a balanced life!

> Interested how to built the habit of meditation? You can find it out in this audiobook! :)

PS: It is easier than you think! I offer you a guided meditation that helps you to establish a new mindful meditation habit within 21 days. Interested?


Narrator: simply healthy