
My Heart to Touch


The shy ones are diamonds in the rough.


When I walk into a room, the popular kids whisper about me. I donā€™t own designer clothes or name-brand shoes. I donā€™t wear low-cut shirts or tons of makeup either. Iā€™m as plain Jane as a girl can get. I live on a farm, where the uniform of the day is boots, jeans, and a T-shirt unless itā€™s winter; then I trade my T-shirts for heavy sweaters and a parka. Baggy is my style.

But Iā€™m considered one of the nerds in school for reasons besides my wardrobe. I have my nose in books while the popular girls have their noses up jocksā€™ butts. I do everything I can to avoid the in crowd at Kensington Highā€”until a new boy waltzes in. Heā€™s tall like my brothers, handsome like Zach Efron, and disrupts my belief that boys only want one thing. My only problem is heā€™ll never notice me, not if my arch-nemesis has any say.


Basketball has been my life until my dad died. Iā€™m trying not to get depressed, but itā€™s hard to breathe sometimes. Heā€™ll never cheer from the stands at any of my basketball games or shout at me to shoot that three-pointer. I promised him I would step up if anything happened to him, and now itā€™s time to be the man of the house.

Only Iā€™m torn between playing for the Kensington High basketball team and finding a jobā€”until the girl with butterscotch hair snags my attention. Sheā€™s pretty, quirky, and her presence takes my mind off my troubles. Above all else, she makes me feel things that Iā€™ve never felt before. In my mind, girls are just a distraction. Theyā€™re nice to look at, they talk too much, and theyā€™re extremely pushy. Yet Quinn Thompson might change my opinion that all girls are created equal.