
Positive Affirmations for Black Moms to Be


D? ??u want to ?m?r?v? your th?nk?ng as a black mum to be in order to h?v? a m?r? enjoyable ?nd h??lth? ?r?gn?n?? ?nd parenting ?x??r??n???

When listened to frequently, this quick and easy workbook will support your journey toward m?king m?r? deliberate judgments and b?h?v??r?, wh??h w?ll improve ??ur h??lth and happiness for you and baby.

Wh?l? th?r? ?? n? guarantee th?t ?ff?rm?t??n? w?ll change th? ?ut??m? ?f your ?r?gn?n??, ??m? studies ?ugg??t th?t ?ff?rm?t??n? ??n r?du?? ?tr??? ?nd ?nx??t? —which can make it ?????r t? r??t, ??t, and ?v??d ???u?? ?u?h ?? headaches and f?t?gu?. Plu?, ????t?v? thoughts t?nd t? ?ult?v?t? ????t?v? feelings, which m?? h?l? make ??ur ?r?gn?n?? ?x??r??n?? more enjoyable ?nd relaxed.

So if you want to g?t the advantages ?f meditation ?nd mindfulness wh?l? you're ?r?gn?nt? If th?t'? the ????, this b??k is for you.

Narrator: Del Harris
