
Summary: How Breakthroughs Happen : Review and Analysis of Hargadon's Book


The must-read summary of Andrew Hargadon's book: "How Breakthroughs Happen: the Surprising Truth About How Companies Innovate".

This complete summary of the ideas from Andrew Hargadon's book "How Breakthroughs Happen" explains how very few business innovations come from a 'lightbulb moment'. In reality, these breakthroughs are the result of 'technology brokering', where the ideas from one industry are implemented into another. In his book, the author explains exactly how this brokering can be done and just how achievable it is. By reading this summary and applying the advice, you will discover how you can make improvements for the future by learning from the past.

Added-value of this summary:

• Save time

• Understand key concepts

• Expand your capacity for innovation

To learn more, read "How Breakthroughs Happen" which reveals the innovation secrets from some of the world's top companies and how you can have your own breakthrough.