Goodread's Romance Book of the Year, 2018
A Washington PostBook of the Year, 2018
An AmazonBook of the Year, 2018
Cosmopolitan's 33 Books to Get Excited About in 2018
Elle Best Summer Reads 2018
A heartwarming and refreshing debut novel that proves one thing: there's not enough data in the world to predict what will make your heart tick.
It's high time for Stella Lane to settle down and find a husband - or so her mother tells her. This is no easy task for a wealthy, successful woman like Stella, who also happens to have Asperger's. Analyzing data is easy; handling the awkwardness of one-on-one dates is hard. To overcome her lack of dating experience, Stella decides to hire a male escort to teach her how to be a good girlfriend.
Faced with mounting bills, Michael decides to use his good looks and charm to make extra cash on the side. He has a very firm no repeat customer policy, but he's tempted to bend that rule when Stella approaches him with an unconventional proposal.
The more time they spend together, the harder Michael falls for this disarming woman with a beautiful mind, and Stella discovers that love defies logic.
Heart-tugging, sexy and utterly joyful - The Kiss Quotient is a book for anyone who has been in love, or in lust...
Not sure what to make of this. It's nice that the autistic protagonist eventually comes to the conclusion that there's nothing wrong with her. It's not badly written either. The heteronormativity was a bit much for me, though. There's all this jealousy and possessiveness and Stella seems really glad when she doesn't have to be the one calling the shots. She's also suuuuper apologetic toward her coworker who harassed and stalks her, and apparently it's fine and romantic when Michael doesn't go away when she tells him to. People in resl life are often like that, sure, but I feel like the narrative voice of a book should communicate awareness of what is or isn't okay. Three past incidents of what I would consider date rape are completely swept under the table except for some rage from Michael about how she should have been treated with more care. Michae himself l is pretty creepy too, actually. Close to the end, he destroys all of his fashion designs after he can barely keep himself from trashing Stella's apartment because he's so very dramatic that he thinks he can't have her after she pretty much literally said she wanted nobidy else on several occasions. So he barely makes it out of there without violating her space. Apparently, that's romantic? Sounds more like a few steps shy of domestic abuse. Oh, and they talk about his mom during sex. 😂 ... I really didn't find the spice very erotic. One more thing: how the hell would they put together a fashion show within 3 months from absolute scratch? He trashed everything he had been working in because of his barely controlled rage!
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