poetry & drawing

During his venture to explore Southern Africa, the poet worked as a draftsman, co-ordinator for craftsmen, and as an architect, having successfully completed prescribed studies at WITS-University. Travels took him, besides around the southern continent of Africa, to the British Isles, the capitols of Europe, Egypt, Dubai, Israel, the Canary Islands, and Madeira.

Besides writing short stories, he returned always to poetry, his beloved genre. With the medium of the Internet, he made many friends and he also met some loveable Muses, who encouraged him with his poetry.

During one spring an intense relationship developed with his Muses. Inspired by Odysseus Elytis' poems, he decided to capture one month in his life in love by means of creating a diary of his adventures. Thus 'Diary of an Aged April' reflected his physical and emotional state of that month of his birth.

Besides, Africa was changing and the poet had to move forward.