Terror on Every Side!

Series • 4 books

Terror on Every Side! The Life of Jeremiah: Volume 5 – No Remedy (Volume 5 of 5)

Mark Morgan (Bible Tales Online – www.BibleTales.online)

No-one would believe Jeremiah's words until it was too late - and then there was Terror on Every Side! The cruel Babylonian army waits outside the city and King Zedekiah can't make up his mind what to do. Jeremiah advises surrender, but has Zedekiah the courage to obey?

Food and water are running out and Jeremiah's enemies blame him for the unfolding disaster. Will the king give them the opportunity they crave to punish Jeremiah?

...and time may be running out too, for if Nebuchadnezzar's soldiers can breach the city walls, what will happen next?

Terror on Every Side! – The series

The exciting but difficult life of Jeremiah – prophet and priest – is presented in this series. Working for God in ancient Israel,many of his struggles reflect our own as we live in the 21st century.

The words of God came to Jeremiah as a fire, burning within him and appointing him a prophet to the nations.

As a prophet of God for over 40 years, Jeremiah warned of the judgement which was to come on Judah and the nations around – yet few would listen. He lived to see most of the devastating prophecies fulfilled around him, but many of his unheeding audience did not.

No-one would believe his words until it was too late – when there was Terror on Every Side!

The complete series:

? • Volume 1 – Early Days?

• Volume 2 – As Good As It Gets?

• Volume 3 – Darkness Falling

• Volume 4 – The Darkness Deepens

• Volume 5 – No Remedy