The Pocket Encyclopaedia Of Narcissism

Praise For:

The Pocket Encyclopaedia

of Narcissism

Volume 1

October 22, 2019 - Amazon 5* review

Straight to the point and full of legit information. Looking to educate yourself on the narcissistic personality? I’d recommend you start here. If you are like me and questioning everything about the narc then let this book answer all those questions for you. Get closure like I did.

14 October 2019 - Amazon UK 5* review

Ive had the question WHY ? in my head every day since I was discarded - its been driving me insane. All those endless questions are now answered! And now I know...God I wish Id had this book 6 months ago! if you are recovering from Narc abuse, seriously, BUY THIS BOOK. No padding, no filler, just straight to the point answers. And its a life changer! who knows; maybe I can sleep tonight without the questions going around and around in my head. Thankyou!

16 October 2019 - P. G. HUNTER - Psychologist

Everyone should take the time to learn about narcissism, sadly, it’s a requirement of modern life. A great place to start is one book called “The Pocket Encyclopaedia of Narcissism”. It has the highest ‘information density’ of any book on the subject, meaning it is just facts and examples, no filler, no padding. You will learn more, and understand more about narcissism and recovery per minute invested [in reading] than any other book out there. It covers everything from how narcissists are created to how to get them out of your life for good. How to spot the red flags and how to prevent them from targeting you in the first place.