
25 Clean-Eating-Friendly Recipes - Part 1 - measurements in grams : From soups and noodle dishes to salads and smoothies



Swiss Chard with Garbanzo Beans and Couscous

Garbanzo Curry

Vegan Polenta Arepas

Ginger Stir-Fry with Coconut Rice

Avocado Tacos

Vegan Style Shepherd's Pie

BBQ Tempeh Sandwiches

Easy Vegan Pasta with Pine Nuts

Mediterranean Zucchini

Pumpkin-Apple Curry with Lentils

Garlic-Ginger Tofu

Baked Potato with Lentils

Vegan Mac and No-Cheese

Soba Noodles with Spicy Tahini

Spicy Potato Curry

Quinoa Chard Pilaf

Tofu Broccoli Quiche

Lentil and Veggie Bake

Grilled Tomato-Balsamic Veggies with Couscous

Tempeh Fajitas

Lentil, Kale, and Red Onion Pasta

Teriyaki Tofu with Pineapple

Tofu and Red Bell Peppers with Spicy Peanut Sauce

Toasted Almond and Quinoa Salad

Vegan Chili

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