
3 Stories from The Blue Fairy Book : Book VIII


This book is a part of fantasy fairy tale from The Blue fairy book which has 3 stories and stories in this book are:

THE GOOSE-GIRL which a story about a beautiful princess who have to marry with prince who lived aboard and her journey have something made her solve by herself at land of prince who lover.

TOADS AND DIAMONDS which a story about 2 maidens who are sibling who are difference. one of these has beautiful mind and her goodness help her find good things in her life. But another one who is not good mind.

PRINCE DARLING which a story about a handsome prince who the king his father be blessed from fairy to take care him by give him one ring for warn himself when he makes somethings wrong and bad. and then story go on with the fairy tale.

In this book added illustrations which improve from old version and hope you all enjoy for read with imagine and follow with other books.