We are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent. We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak – not in its essence but in its outer manifestation – not yet recognised, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result. But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out – nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So, it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure. There are people who love adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: “I invite you to the great adventure.” (The Mother)
Ruhe, Stille und Schweigen (1)
Sri Aurobindo
bookAll Life Is Yoga: Silence (1)
Sri Aurobindo
bookInneres Leben : Yoga und psychische Gesundheit
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookAll Life Is Yoga: The Mother and the Integral Yoga
Sri Aurobindo
bookDie Mutter und der Integrale Yoga
Sri Aurobindo
bookDas ideale Center
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookAll Life Is Yoga: The Ideal Centre
Sri Aurobindo, The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
bookAll Life Is Yoga: A Call to the Youth
Sri Aurobindo, The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother
bookAuf dem Weg in ein spirituelles Zeitalter
Sri Aurobindo
bookEin Aufruf an die Jugend
Sri Aurobindo, Die (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mutter
bookAll Life Is Yoga: The Birth of Future Man
Sri Aurobindo, The (d.i. Mira Alfassa) Mother