
Anxiety : The Roles of the Brain’s Amygdala and Childhood Memories


This title contains three separate titles, both associated with the topic of anxiety:

Book 1: In this book, an explanation of the amygdala’s functions and processes will be given. Furthermore, anxiousness keeps us from making rational, correct decision and thus, it eliminates beneficial opportunities in our future. We need to keep this in mind and care better about our mental health. This will be clarified and discussed as well.

Book 2: Anxiety is something we face every day, no matter how small or big the dosage may be. In this guide, several subtopics about anxiety will be covered. Among such are:

How we can recover from childhood neglect. Many of us, no matter how loving our parents tried to be, suffer from a lack of positive attention. We have often been neglected, and our needs have not been met, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Psychological science has indicated that this can cause detrimental effects and anxious feelings in a person’s later years. It doesn’t simply go away by itself. It needs to find a way out. Within this theme, the book sheds further light on steps and techniques to recover from such neglect.

Book 3: Well, there are several subjects that get covered in this book. For one, anxiety in relationships is a big topic in one of the chapters. Another thing you will learn is 10 different ways to reduce anxiety. Shyness is something some people struggle with, so we’ll touch on that too.