
Bedtime Stories : 70+ Stories for Kids 3-7


Is bedtime always stressful in your house? Is it a fight that the kids are winning? Do your kids have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Stop making things harder on yourself and introduce stories into your bedtime routine! Honestly, we promise, story time makes everything better.

Whether you want to listen to a couple stories as a family activity before bed or set this audiobook on a timer and let your kids fall asleep as the stories play, these stories will help your kids relax and settle down for sleep.

This collection of over 70 bedtime stories has been curated with kids ages 3-7 in mind, which means the lessons and topics are perfect for your preschooler, kindergartner, or primary grade child.

This collection of stories will:

Introduce your kids to distant lands, fascinating animals, and new friends Teach your kids good morals and problem solving Help your kids to self-sooth and relax Teach coping skills Make bedtime more fun and more relaxing Help your kids fall asleep faster Help establish a routine that promotes deep sleep What are you waiting for? You deserve a helping hand at bedtime. Stop making it harder on yourself and let us help get the kids to sleep in a relaxing and entertaining way, worry less about how much sleep they're getting, and reclaim your "me time" in the evenings. Let our narrator help you lull your kids to sleep tonight!

Make your kids fall asleep fast by purchasing this audibook.

Scroll up and buy this audibook now!

Sprecher*in: Emma McVie