Faults studies form an important part of power system analysis. The problem consists of determining bus voltages and line currents during various types of faults. If the fault location is known the problem can be easily solved. But if the fault location is unknown, it is difficult to solve the problem. If the fault location is known the problem can be easily solved. But if the fault location is unknown, it is difficult to solve the problem. There were attempts to find the critical distance of a fault that will cause certain per-defined voltage dip at certain bus, and the problem was easy to be solved in radial systems, but yet non of the existing researches could provide proper solution for finding the critical distance of the fault at certain line that will cause predefined voltage dip magnitude at certain bus in meshed power system. The paper provided proper solution based in Gauess Seidal to find the critical distance in meshed power system
Common Windows, Linux and Web Server Systems Hacking Techniques
Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
bookPenetration Testing of Computer Networks Using Burpsuite and Various Penetration Testing Tools
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bookعلامات الساعة الصغرى والكبرى : The Minor and Major Signs of Judgment Day
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bookأبرز أحداث يوم القيامه في ضوء ما جاء بالقرآن الكريم والسنه النبوية الشريفة : The Most Prominent Events on the Day of Judgment and the Resurrection Based on Quran and Sunnah
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bookComparison between Internet Fax Services
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bookFuse Protection against the Regenerative Circuit Internal Commutation Fault
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bookIntroduction to Power System Protection
Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli