
Differentiating Similarities


This book builds confidence in those whose faith in humanity quivers and helps them through the insecurities and crisis of this present world. Differentiating Similarities will explain why God craves you as a woman or man and gives you the strength to absorb the hits and blows of life.

This book; Differentiating Similarities, exploits the essence of a woman’s creation to challenge and correct the misleading inferences poised on humanity especially women.

As odd as no one might admit, the struggle to always compare in several aspects of life; family, gender, relationships, businesses, continents, colors, statuses, classes, and so on exponentially increases as the day goes by. This often pushes us to work through the wrong paths, it allows mistakes we would have possibly avoided, it causes violence to the most vulnerable which soon regards everyone else gradually to potential victims, and it gives acceptance to neglected cultures and norms, above all, it increases the rate of crises (sexual, psychological, mental to mention few) hereby, hurting our relationships with others.

We may want to assume at times that this competition is all that life is about while we neglect the most important thing and values of and in ourselves. The journey through this book would table the aspects of life that are indeed worth focusing more.