
England's Preservation


This Sermon which I preached by your command, and you harkned unto with much acceptance, and is now printed by your Order, I most humbly present unto your Gracious Patronage, and Religious practice; It hath this only in it; that it is seasonable; what one once writ to Ægidius the Abbot of Norinberg concerning Davids words in Psalme 118. They are verba vivenda, non legenda; That may be affirm’d of the Text I preached on, the pith and matter of it should be lived, and not heard only: Repentance is a living word: Alexander (as Plutarch reports) demanded of Porus (whom he had surprised) what his thoughts were of him, he answered, I thinke of Alexander, Regaliter, and thats enough said hee, for in that word all other things are contained: the same I may say, if any man demands what our sinfull and distracted Kingdome should doe? I answer, Repent, and in that word (if lived and done) all our safeties and hopes are contained.

There were 3. things (most Honourable Sirs!) which Luther did feare would prove to bee the Ruine of Religion. 1. Oblivion. 2. Security. 3. Carnall policy: The good God overthrow these in our Land, least our land be overthrowne by these: Though Ministers discover all sorts of sins, and though a Parliament discovers all sorts of plots and dangers, yet people are setled on their Lee’s, they will not see, nor feare, nor humble themselves, nor turne to the Lord at all; O pray, (said a dying man in the beginning of the German reformation) that God would preserve the Gospell (pontifex enim Romanus, & Concilium Trident. mira moliuntur) For the Pope and Councell of Trent are hatching of strange things: Ministers say as much and more to people, pray, be humbled, reform; For you see what the bloudie Papists have done in Ireland, and you heare what they are plotting against England, we do speake and weepe, but man will not hearken and obey; They who will not easily see their sins, will as hardly beleeve their dangers: Fuge, fuge Bremid onto, citius, oitissinse, so friendly did a Senatour of Hala advise Brentius, hast, hasten, make all the hast you can, your life is lost else: He embraced the advise, & preserved his life by it; O that Gods advises (so frequent, so earnest, so and more safe) to humbling and reforming might once bee regarded and followed: we shall never be safe, if wee ever remaine impenitent.

As for your selves, Honourable Sirs! wee have all cause to blesse God for the worthy Acts already done by you, and for your further intentions of most excellent good to our Church and Kingdom; Ripen these intentions (wee pray you) into Actions, That our Church may be glorious, and our State safe; and both flourishing and stable: good actions are excellent, though evill men oppose them, nor shal they be therfore, the lesse successeful: remember that Christ hath conquerd all the world, and a world conquerd by Christ shall never be able to conquer truth.

I have one request which I earnestly present to your selves and the House of Lords, It is onely this, Hasten (what you can) Englands Reformation, and Irelands preservation: In these the good and Almighty God unite, strengthen, protect, and prosper you All, To whose everlasting armes, you and all your pious endeavours are commended by your daily Oratour.

Obadiah Sedwicke.

Die Mercurij 25. May 1642.

It is this day Ordered by the Commons now Assembled in Parliament that Master Harris, and Mr. Obadiah Sedgwicke, who this day, being the day of the publike Fast, at the intreaty of the said Commons; preached at Saint Margaret Westminster, shall have thankes returned them, for the great and worthy paines they have taken, and that they bee desired to print their Sermons, and that no man presume to print them, but such as they shall appoint, till the House shall take further Order.

Elsyng Cler. Parl. D. Com.

I appoint Samuell Gellibrand to print my Sermon.

Obadiah Sedgwick.