
Guide To Developing An Authentic Irish Accent : Learn To Speak In Irish-Accented English For The Stage Or Screen


This guide provides a range of instruction on oral posture and associated exercises to develop an authentic Irish accent. Of course, there is substantial variation between a northern and southern Irish accent and this is discussed in detail with unique exercise tracks for northern and southern Irish accents. In addition to step-by-step instruction, the course also includes general tips and tricks for accent development and instruction on creating a more general British accent, if that's a necessary step to your creation of an Irish accent. The course also reviews common Irish expressions or idioms as a further way to refine any Irish character you are developing for an unscripted role. This is the ideal way to quickly prepare for an audition where an Irish accent is required, or simply broaden your repertoire of accents. This course is the perfect resource for Irish accent development, first offering a complete overview, then being a source of exercises for continued practice. This is part of a series of British accent courses which also includes RP, Cockney, Scottish and Welsh accents.