
How To Talk To Strangers : Learn small talk techniques, how to make friends and maintain relationships


In this book, I'll show you the step-by-step Formula that I've been using whenever I change my environment (e.g. move to a different city, change a job, start University, etc)

If you want to:

Make more friends... but just don't know-how

Be able to start conversations... but you often don't have the courage

Find people with the same interests as you... but not sure where to start

then this will means that...

I Wrote This Book For You.

After having a childhood mainly around computer games, from the age of 18, I started taking jobs in the customer service industry. Slowly starting as working on a parking lot and on an anchored ship in Alaska, I then took a job that demanded from me to talk to STRANGERS: Hotel Entertainment (show host). For 6 years I was entertaining people from all over the world in hotels in Bulgaria, Greece, and Spain. That helped build a system that I can follow whenever I speak to somebody for the very first time.

I'll show you communication techniques that you can start implementing straight away.

If you are looking for techniques on HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY FLIRT, then this might not be the right book for you. Although there are tips that might help you with communication in those situations, this is not the main subject of this book.

Here's are some points that we will cover:

How to deal with rejection

Who are the right people for you

What to talk about with strangers

How to break the silence

Body language techniques

How to keep newly built relationships

What to avoid when speaking to strangers

How to join a conversation in a group of people

And much, much more...

I can help you start talking to strangers instantly. So get the book and let's get started.

To your success,

Curious Pavel