In this volume Udo Rauchfleisch puts forth a developmental theory of "normal homosexuality." He describes in great detail and with great sensitivity for the feelings of all persons involved the steps involved in the unfolding of one´s own lifestyle and family life, the difficulties and emotional circumstances encountered in coming out as well as the specific conditions surrounding work, aging and death. He also discusses the development of gay men, lesbians and bisexual persons, in particular their situation and environment with respect to AIDS, psychotherapy and religion. The author does away with numerous social prejudices about homosexuals and analyses the fears and psychodynamics of persons who tend to disparage and persecute people who think or live differently. He also highlights various examples of discrimination found in films, literature, the job situation and psychoanalysis as well the causes thereof, which have left and still leave a negative imprint on society.
Pink Christmas 9 : Etwas andere Weihnachtsgeschichten
Wolfgang Brosche, Andy Claus, Marc Förster, Peter Förster, Hans v.d. Geest, Matt Grey, Jennifer Miller, Jolien Mechler, Marc H. Muelle, Gilbert R. Pawel, Udo Rauchfleisch, Sabine Reifenstahl, Manuel Sandrino, Yui Spallek, Jan Springstein, Kai Steiner
bookPink Christmas 8 : Andere Weihnachtsgeschichten
Marc Förster, Udo Rauchfleisch, Heike Schrapper, Carmilla De Winter, Dagmar Möhring, Gilbert R. Pawel, Sabine Reifenstahl, Manuel Sandrino, Kai Steiner, Hans v.d. Geest
bookTransidentität – Transgender : Transitionsprozesse begleiten und gestalten
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookTod in der Fremde
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookTod in der Fremde
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookWenn Beziehung abhängig macht : Ein Ratgeber
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookIhr wisst, warum ihr sterben müsst!
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookHass verjährt nie
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookSexuelle Orientierungen und Geschlechtsentwicklungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookPink Christmas 10 : Andere Weihnachtsgeschichten
Marc Förster, Samuel Evans, Chris Kurz, Matt Grey, Marc H. Muelle, Ysold Abay, Alexandro Chakiris, Martin M. Falken, Peter Förster, Hans van der Geest, Katarina Jensen, Jaqueline Schiesser, Udo Rauchfleisch, Manuel Sandrino
bookPsychodynamik und Psychotherapie dissozialer Störungen
Udo Rauchfleisch
bookPsychodynamik und Psychotherapie dissozialer Störungen
Udo Rauchfleisch