
Sex in Recovery : A Meeting Between the Covers


Healthy sexuality within the context of recovery is rarely talked about openly, in part because the larger culture restricts the space required to name our experiences in open, honest ways. Matesa gives us that space by bringing the language of recovery to this more hidden part of our healing, allowing us to truly “practice these principles in all our affairs."

Sexuality in the context of recovery is rarely talked about openly, in part because our broader culture may inhibit us from sharing our true experiences. For some, the prospect of sober sex feels like uncharted waters—in the past, we’ve rarely had sex without first numbing ourselves with drugs and alcohol. What does it mean to have an intimate relationship in sobriety? Exploring that question deepens our recovery journey.

With this groundbreaking work, Jennifer Matesa uncovers the challenges real people encounter when they start taking their clothes off—without drinking or using in order to do so. Providing readers “a meeting between the covers,” Matesa blends first-person accounts bravely shared by diverse members of the recovery community, insights from experts, and her own perspectives. The result is a book that creates a space for a vital, new dialogue about sexuality and intimacy. As we find a common language for this more hidden aspect of our healing, we can truly “practice these principles in all our affairs.”