
The Apostles


Who were the emissaries of Christ, and how did they carry the Good News to the world?

Inspired by a deep, personal relationship with Christ, these special few lived lives of high adventure, danger, and profound faith. You will be deeply moved by their stories.

You will find this course fascinating and inspiring. New Testament scholar Professor Andrea Molinari (Ph.D., Marquette University) brilliantly teaches these lectures.

As you embark on this journey, you will meet Jesus' inner circle. How much can we know about these remarkable individuals? The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles reflect only a fraction of the information passed down by early Christians. The Church Fathers wrote down some of these stories, while others were collected in the Acts of the Apostles that did not make it into the canon of scripture.

Through these 12 remarkable lectures, Professor Molinari uses this rich body of early Christian literature to help you encounter the apostles as never before. From these works, we learn of the martyrdom of Peter and Paul as well as the major legends of Andrew, Thomas, John, and others.

You will encounter the apostles working fantastic miracles, preaching electrifying sermons, overcoming forces of nature, and challenging the powerful elite with their messages. This is a literature that at once entertains and inspires by demonstrating how the weak are made strong and the strong are made weak before God's power.