
The Feast of Tabernacles in our current season


In this book we recuperate and expose the Feast of Tabernacles eminency, impacts and how we as the church can transition to the perfect image of Christ and also reveals the resources in which Christ can be revealed to the Church with the intention to make the plan and the Will of God the Father visible on the earth through His body which is the Church. The Feast of Tabernacles is fulfilled Christological and eschatologically meaning it seeks to reveal Christ in a Personified, Embodied and Incarnated form and also the journey that we as the Church need to take in revealing Him as the only optimism. In this book we discussing the Feast of Tabernacles in our Current Season not for us to put a great mark the days which were celebrated or for us to redo as the ancient Israelites did however we put the emphasis that we are Tabernacles (dwelling place) of God and the duties that were performed by the Jewish as they carry a metaphoric designation in our current season, as the Feast serves for two purposes which are harvesting the fruits and dwelling in the Booths (Tabernacles) this speaks of Christ dwelling in us and we are able to reveal Christ in form of fruits, Greek word for fruits is “karpos” which means anything that originates or comes from something which is the result of work, act or deeds, from this we can conclude that our works, act or deeds can tell how much of Christ we have possessed meaning they bring a blueprint on how us as the Tabernacles of God can live to portray the very Christ that which is in us.