
The Jews among the Greeks and Romans (Illustrated Edition)


The Jews, as one of the Mediterranean nations, began to come into close contact with Greek civilization about the time of Alexander the Great. What has been attempted in the foregoing pages is an interpretation of certain facts of Jewish, Roman, and Greek history within a given period. The literature on the subject is enormous. A short bibliography is appended, in which various books of reference are cited. From these all who are interested in the innumerable controversies that the subject has elicited may obtain full information.


Greek Religious Concepts

Roman Religious Concepts

Greek and Roman Concepts of Race

Sketch of Jewish History between Nebuchadnezzar and Constantine

Internal Development of the Jews during the Persian Period

The First Contact between Greek and Jew


Jews in Ptolemaic Egypt

The Struggle against Greek Culture in Palestine

Antiochus the Manifest God

The Jewish Propaganda

The Opposition

The Opposition in Its Social Aspect

The Philosophic Opposition

The Romans

Jews in Rome during the Early Empire

The Jews of the Empire till the Revolt

The Revolt of 68 C.E.

The Development of the Roman Jewish Community

The Final Revolts of the Jews

The Legal Position of the Jews in the Later Empire