
What Is Art? : Including "Wherein Is Truth in Art?"


Leo Tolstoy's book 'What Is Art?' explores the essence and purpose of art in the context of society and humanity. With a clear and insightful literary style, Tolstoy delves into the philosophical and spiritual aspects of art, arguing that true art must convey moral values and serve a higher purpose beyond aesthetics. Drawing from his own experiences as a writer and thinker, Tolstoy presents a thought-provoking analysis that challenges conventional views on the nature of art. Through engaging examples and thoughtful reflections, he invites readers to reconsider their understanding of artistic creation and consumption. Tolstoy's work stands as a timeless contribution to the discourse on art and its significance in the human experience. Written with depth and intellectual rigor, 'What Is Art?' remains a seminal text in the field of literary criticism and cultural studies. Recommended for readers interested in exploring the intersection of art, morality, and societal values.