”A House of Pomegranates” is the second collection of fairy tales by the brilliant writer, master of European aesthetics Oscar Wilde, author of the novel „Portrait of Dorian Gray”, plays „Salome”, „Fan Lady Windermere” and „Ideal Husband”, letters of confession „De profundis”, and also numerous short stories, short stories, poems and essays about art. The text is published in two languages, which allows you to fully appreciate the unique originality of the works belonging to the pen of one of the most sophisticated British writers and stylists.
A House of Pomegranates
- 73 pages
- 1228 books
Oscar Wilde
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was born on the 16th October 1854 and died on the 30th November 1900. He was an Irish playwright, poet, and author of numerous short stories and one novel. Known for his biting wit, he became one of the most successful playwrights of the late Victorian era in London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. Several of his plays continue to be widely performed, especially The Importance of Being Earnest.
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