Ein Dubliner Junge sieht sich mit schwerwiegenden Problemen konfrontiert. Zum einen hat er sich in den Kopf gesetzt, unbedingt einen großen Bazar besuchen zu müssen und zum anderen spielen seine Hormone verrückt, weil er nicht weiß wie er das Interesse einer Klosterschülerin gewinnen kann. Wenigstens der Plan mit dem Bazarbesuch funktioniert und so tritt er tapfer alleine eine Zugreise an und betritt mutig den pulsierenden Mittelpunkt des öffentlichen Gesellschaftslebens.
- 391 books
James Joyce
James Joyce (1882–1941) is best known for his experimental use of language and his exploration of new literary methods. His subtle yet frank portrayal of human nature, coupled with his mastery of language, made him one of the most influential novelists of the 20th century. Joyce’s use of “stream-of-consciousness” reveals the flow of impressions, half thoughts, associations, hesitations, impulses, as well as the rational thoughts of his characters. The main strength of his masterpiece novel, Ulysses (1922) lies in the depth of character portrayed using this technique. Joyce’s other major works include Dubliners, a collection of short stories that portray his native city, a semi-autobiographical novel called A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man (1916), and Finnegan’s Wake (1939).
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