One of the significant factors in the responsible implementation of social entrepreneurship is the appropriate shape of the norms and values that determine it. With this in mind, this book draws on Catholic social teaching (CST) to make an original contribution to understanding and describing the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship. In the course of analysis and meta-scientific reflection, it was established that the axionormative determinants of social entrepreneurship revolve around three areas: (1) the axiology of (the idea of) social entrepreneurship; (2) the moral principles of social enterprise management; (3) the professional ethics of social entrepreneurs. This approach to research has allowed the original formulation of: (1) the constitutive values of the idea of social entrepreneurship; (2) the concept of the moral dimension of social enterprise management; (3) the concept of professional ethics of social entrepreneurs.
The Church in the Face of Crises and Challenges over the Centuries : Selected Issues from the History of the Church
bookThe Spirit in Romans 8 : Paul, the Stoics, and Jewish Authors in Dialogue
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bookThe Holy Spirit of Communion : A Study in Pneumatology and Ecclesiology
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bookAnti-Epicurean Polemics in the New Testament Writings
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bookIerousalem or Hierosolyma : Exploring the Semitic and Hellenistic Onomastic Notions in Luke's Work
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bookAnti-Judaism and the Gospel of John : A New Look at the Fourth Gospel's Relationship with Judaism
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bookBloodshed by King Manasseh, Assyrians and Priestly Scribes : Theological Meaning and Historical-Cultural Contextualization of 2 Kings 21:16, 24:3-4 in Relation to the Fall of Judah
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bookMarked Quotations from Psalms in the Gospel of Matthew
Piotr Herok
bookRatzinger: Apologetics for (not only) Our Time
Krzysztof Kaucha
bookChristian Economic Heterodoxy : The Protestant Critique of Capitalism
Piotr Kopiec, Marcin Składanowski, Przemysław Kantyka
bookThe Christological Metaphors of Wine, Water, and Bread in the Gospel of John in Relation to Their Sapiential Background : An Intertextual Study
Michał Filip Powęska