
Eugenics and Other Evils (Golden Deer Classics)


rom the introduction:

"I publish these essays at the present time for a particular reason connected with the present situation; a reason which I should like briefly to emphasise and make clear.

Though most of the conclusions, especially towards the end, are conceived with reference to recent events, the actual bulk of preliminary notes about the science of Eugenics were written before the war.[...]"

  1. Les paradoxes de M. Pond

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  2. The Second Father Brown Collection : The Incredulity of Father Brown & The Secret of Father Brown

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  3. The Man Who Knew Too Much

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  4. Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens

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  5. Pater Brown Geschichten : Dedektivische Kurzgeschichten

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  6. Die fliegenden Sterne

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  7. Pater Brown - Ein Pfeil vom Himmel : nexx classics – WELTLITERATUR NEU INSPIRIERT

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  8. Pater Brown - Priester und Detektiv : nexx classics – WELTLITERATUR NEU INSPIRIERT

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  9. Pater Brown - Das Paradies der Diebe : nexx classics – WELTLITERATUR NEU INSPIRIERT

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton

  10. 30 Mystery & Investigation

    Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Wilkie Collins, Arthur Conan Doyle, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Hollis Godfrey, Thomas Hardy, William Le Queux, Maurice Leblanc, Gaston Leroux, Catherine Louisa Pirkis, Edgar Allan Poe, Frank R. Stockton, Mark Twain, Carolyn Wells, Fred Merrick White, Masterpiece Everywhere, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa

  11. 30 Mystery & Investigation

    Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Wilkie Collins, Arthur Conan Doyle, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Hollis Godfrey, Thomas Hardy, William Le Queux, Maurice Leblanc, Gaston Leroux, Catherine Louisa Pirkis, Edgar Allan Poe, Frank R. Stockton, Mark Twain, Carolyn Wells, Fred Merrick White, Icarsus

  12. Mystery & Investigation Anthology

    Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Wilkie Collins, Arthur Conan Doyle, Hanns Heinz Ewers, Hollis Godfrey, Thomas Hardy, William Le Queux, Maurice Leblanc, Gaston Leroux, Catherine Louisa Pirkis, Edgar Allan Poe, Frank R. Stockton, Mark Twain, Carolyn Wells, Fred Merrick White, Icarsus
