Jack Reacher poikkeaa puoliaution kyläpahasen baariin Nebraskassa. Baarissa istuu alkoholisoitunut lääkäri, jolle tulee puhelu - avunpyyntö tutulta naiselta, jolla on "nenänverenvuoto", eikä suinkaan ensimmäistä kertaa. Reacher ei aio katsoa vierestä, kun ilmiselvään pahoinpitelyyn ei haluta puuttua. Taustalta paljastuu vähitellen ruma ja yllättävän laaja kuvio, joka juontaa juurensa kuoliaaksi vaiettuun tapaukseen: 8-vuotiaan tytön katoamiseen kaksikymmentä vuotta sitten.
Henkensä kaupalla
- 132 books
Lee Child
Lee Child, previously a television director, union organizer, theater technician, and law student, was fired and on the dole when he hatched a harebrained scheme to write a bestselling novel, thus saving his family from ruin. Killing Floor went on to win worldwide acclaim. The Midnight Line, is his twenty-second Reacher novel. The hero of his series, Jack Reacher, besides being fictional, is a kindhearted soul who allows Lee lots of spare time for reading, listening to music, and watching Yankees and Aston Villa games. Lee was born in England but now lives in New York City and leaves the island of Manhattan only when required to by forces beyond his control. Visit Lee online at LeeChild.com for more information about the novels, short stories, and the movies Jack Reacher and Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, starring Tom Cruise. Lee can also be found on Facebook: LeeChildOfficial, Twitter: @LeeChildReacher, and YouTube: LeeChildJackReacher.
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