The volume contains 23 papers read at the international conference "Historical Corpora 2012", which was hosted by the LOEWE Research Cluster "Digital Humanities" of the State of Hesse at the University of Frankfurt on December 6-8, 2012. The papers, which include three keynote speeches, have been duly updated for the present volume. The contributions take a broad variety of perspectives on "historical corpora", including their structuring, their management, and various other facets. In addition to this, they cover a large amount of different languages, extending from German - in nearly all its historical facettes - across the Romance languages into the Caucasus and from the recent past down into antiquity. Differences also concern the linguistic interests prevailing in the papers, which may focus on syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, lexicological or other phenomena.
Korpuslinguistik und Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Sprache - Corpus Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language (CLIP)
Historical Corpora : Challenges and Perspectives