English Japanese bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids studying English or Japaneseas their second language. Jimmy, the little bunny, likes to eat candy. He sneaks into the kitchen to find a bag with candies that was hidden inside the cupboard. What happens right after Jimmy climbs up to reach the bag of candy? You will find out when you read this illustrated children’s book. Since that day, he starts to develop healthy eating habits and even likes to eat his fruits and vegetables.
I Love My Mom أحب أمي
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Keep My Room Clean મને મારો રૂમ સાફ રાખવો બહુ ગમે છે.
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookJe suis reconnaissante I am Thankful
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos KidKiddos Books
bookAmo dormire nel mio letto I Love to Sleep in My Own Bed
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
bookI Love to Go to Daycare أحبّ الحضانة
Shelley Admont
bookAmanda’s Dreamحُلم أماندا
Shelley Admont
bookI Love My Dad أحِبُّ أَبيٍ
Shelley Admont
bookSweet Dreams, My Love! Slaap lekker, lieveling!
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Brush My Teeth
Shelley Admont
bookJ'aime Ma Maman
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Keep My Room Clean Me gusta tener mi habitación limpia
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables ፍራፍሬዎችን እና አትክልቶችን መብላት እወዳለሁ
Shelley Admont, KidKiddos Books
I Love Winter 冬がだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookMy Mom is Awesome わたしのすばらしいおかあさん
Shelley Admont
bookGoodnight, My Love!おやすみ、だいすきだよ!
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Keep My Room Clean へやをきれいにするのがだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookI Love My Dad おとうさんだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookBoxer and Brandonボクサーとブランドン
Inna Nusinsky
bookI Love to Tell the Truth ほんとうのことをしょうじきにいうのがだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookAmanda and the Lost Timeアマンダと失われた時間を取りもどす旅
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Brush My Teeth はをみがくのがだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Help おてつだいするのがだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookI Love My Mom おかあさんだいすき
Shelley Admont
bookI Love to Eat Fruits and Vegetables くだものとやさいがだいすき
Shelley Admont