
Journey of a Thousand Miles : An Extraordinary Life


Born into poverty in Japanese-occupied Taiwan, Ruey Yu overcame near-starvation during the Second World War. Destiny, however, had other plans for him: he was to become an award-winning biochemist, then the co-founder of what would soon become the multi-million-dollar skin care company NeoStrata.

After living through the Second World War and the post-war military dictatorship of General Chiang Kai-Shek, Dr. Yu won a coveted post-graduate scholarship to study chemistry at the University of Ottawa. He subsequently took up a research position at the renowned Skin and Cancer Hospital (Temple University) in Philadelphia, where he collaborated with pre-eminent dermatologist Dr. Eugene Van Scott to develop treatments for serious skin diseases.

In 1972, Dr. Yu and Dr. Van Scott discovered that fruit acids, known as AHAs, could effectively treat the disfiguring skin disease ichthyosis, changing the lives of thousands of people who suffered from this debilitating illness. Their further research into the biochemical properties of AHAs led to the discovery of the anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effects of these natural substances—a discovery that was licensed by skin care companies around the world, sparking the multibillion-dollar cosmeceutical industry. Issu d’un milieu dĂ©favorisĂ© dans un Taiwan sous occupation japonaise, Ruey Yu Ă©vite de justesse la famine qui dĂ©ferle sur son pays pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Le destin attend de lui autre chose : il devait devenir un biochimiste primĂ©, puis le cofondateur de ce qui allait devenir la multinationale amĂ©ricaine spĂ©cialisĂ©e en soins de la peau, NeoStrata.

Il survit donc non seulement Ă  la Seconde Guerre mondiale, mais aussi Ă  la dictature militaire qui suit la guerre, sous le rĂšgne du gĂ©nĂ©ral Tchang KaĂŻ-chek, avant d’obtenir une bourse d’études diplĂŽmĂ©es fort prisĂ©e offerte par l’UniversitĂ© d’Ottawa. Plus tard, il obtient un poste de chercheur au prestigieux Skin and Cancer Hospital (Temple University) de Philadelphie, oĂč il collabore avec le dermatologue Eugene Van Scott, au dĂ©veloppement de traitements permettant de soigner de graves maladies de la peau.

En 1972, ils dĂ©couvrent que les acides a-hydroxylĂ©s, ou AHA, combattaient efficacement l’ichtyose, une maladie cutanĂ©e, transformant la vie de milliers de personnes atteintes de cette maladie dĂ©bilitante. Des recherches plus poussĂ©es dans les propriĂ©tĂ©s des AHA leur ont permis de dĂ©couvrir les propriĂ©tĂ©s anti-rides et anti-Ăąge de ces substances naturelles – une dĂ©couverte qui a Ă©tĂ© brevetĂ©e par les entreprises de soins de la peau partout dans le monde, donnant le coup d’envoi Ă  l’industrie cosmĂ©ceutique, qui rapporte des milliards de dollars.