I have not read
these words as a text, but as an introduction, to what I desire to say, as God
shall help me, concerning the most recent manifestation of’ the Pentecostal
power. I refer to the great work of God that is going on in Wales at this time;
and I trust that something more than curiosity makes you desire to hear of this
work, for I am not speaking with any intention to satisfy curiosity. I want now
in the simplest way to speak to you, first, very briefly, and as far as it is
possible, of what my own eyes have seen, my own ears heard, and my own heart
I do this in order that, we may ask finally, what are the
lessons God would teach us in this day of His visitation? Yet I cannot help
reverting, before going further, to the passage that I have read in your
hearing. Peter stood in the midst of one of the most wonderful scenes that the
world has ever beheld. When men said of the shouting multitude that they were
drunk, Peter said, “No, those men are not drunken as ye suppose”; but “this is
that,” which was spoken by the Prophet Joel. If anyone shall say to me, “What
do you think of the Welsh Revival?” I say at once, “This is that.”