
Lost Sci-Fi Books 1 thru 20


Lost Sci-Fi Books 1 thru 20 - Twenty Lost Sci-Fi Short Stories from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

The Hanging Stranger by Philip K. Dick The Water Eater by Winston Marks Death Star by James McKimmy Jr. The Mind Digger by Winston Marks The Martians and The Coys written by Mack Reynolds Breeder Reaction by Winston Marks Planet of Dreams by James McKimmy Jr. And All The Girls Were Nude by Richard Magruder Never Gut-Shoot A Wampus by Winston Marks Three Spacemen Left To Die by Russ Winterbotham Leave Earthmen or Die! by John Massie Davis The Fugitives by Malcolm B. Morehart Jr. The Voyage of Vanishing Men by Stanley Mullen A Zloor For Your Trouble by Mack Reynolds Danger in the Void written by Charles E. Fritch A Matter of Ethics written by R.R. Winterbotham Slay-Ride written By Winston Marks The Addicts Written by William Morrison The Queen of Space by Joseph Slotkin The Fifty-Fourth of July by Alan E. Nourse

Narrator: Scott Miller